Sunday, January 3, 2010

Great Wolf Lodge

Steve and baby Cash just taking a nap by the pool

there was a huge bucket that would drop water and somehow chris talked me into getting cold water dumped on me. my nephew was supposed to come but ran away before it dumped

here are some of the slides. they were pretty fun, well at least the ones that i was able to do

i thought that being preggo during the winter would be great, meaning, that i would never go swimming, but my parents decided that for New Years they would take the family to an indoor waterpark in texas. it was a lot of fun but the water was a little bit chilly

little Aubrey had a pretty good time playing with the grandparents in the kiddie area

and so did Corbin

me and chris


mama said...

Loved the pictures --- and Julie --- Corbin looks sooo much like you I can't believe it. Glad you were able to go to OK for Christmas. Let me know when that baby comes please.

Tim, Rachel and our girls said...

What a fun family outing! You seriously look way too cute to be as pregnant as you are! Maybe my next pregnancy I will look that good ;) Oh, and the name Noelle is a sweet one... you should use it! Then when our girls are exchange compi's on the Square, they'll have a nice little connection ;)

JaNan Brown said...

Hey Julie I found you. Here is my blog come and check it out. Cute stuff.